
In a world awash with influencers and social media personalities, sharing achievements with large numbers of people over the internet is now commonplace. But is there a line between celebrating success and blatant bragging? Are there times when bragging is necessary and what are some strategies for effective bragging?

In this week’s podcast, we discuss bragging. We construct a working definition of bragging, Peter presents his taxonomy for types of bragging and we discuss the idea of humble bragging and the relationship between bragging and status. Finally, we share some of our most recent brags and the worst braggers we ever knew.

A few things we mentioned in this podcast:

- TikTok star issues tearful apology after revealing she owns her own home aged 21
- Bragging, Humblebragging & Gratitude: Do You Know the Difference?
- Humblebrag subreddit
- You Call It “Self-Exuberance”; I Call It “Bragging”: Miscalibrated Predictions of Emotional Responses to Self-Promotion
- The Braggart's Dilemma: On the Social Rewards and Penalties of Advertising Prosocial Behavior

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