Google-proofing Quizzes

Are quizzes and puzzles dying in the era of the internet - where any answer is seemingly a click away - or can they be Google-proofed?

This week, we ask our in-house crossword expert to tell us what types of questions create answers that are hard to search for, how a puzzle question should be structured, and what features make for a good puzzle. We also discuss what makes something un-Googleable and consider the implications for human knowledge sharing. If listening to this podcast doesn’t make want to go to your next local pub quiz night, nothing will.

A few things we mentioned in this podcast:

- Quizmaster devises Google-proof questions to stop pub quiz smartphone cheats
- Google-ability and Google ability
- ‘How Google Works’, according to Google developers (note: this doesn’t tell you how Google works)
- Subreddit: ‘Tip of my Tongue’
- Cognitive Engineering podcast: Why do we like puzzles?

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